Problems with gambling? Change your life. Call 1800 858 858.

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Image of a loved one of a gambler looking happy because they changed their life by calling GambleAware

Welcome to GambleAware NSW.

We want to thank you for reaching out to get the support you need to make a positive change in your life and the life of a loved one.

We know how hard it is to talk about someone else’s gambling, but there is no shame in asking for help. That’s why GambleAware NSW is a free, confidential service where you can have an open conversation about what is worrying you and explore the best way to make things better for you and your loved one. 
To get the support you deserve, all you need to do is call 1800 858 858.  
It is the number that can change your life.
Image of a loved one of a gambler looking happy because they changed their life by calling GambleAware

When you call, we will arrange for you to speak to a professional counsellor in English or Hindi.

A few important things to know:

  • The service is completely free.
  • Your conversation is confidential. Everything you talk about will remain private.
  • We are here to talk 24/7. You can call 1800 858 858 any time of the day or night.
  • There is help in Hindi with counsellors who understand the Indian culture.
  • You can get support from GambleAware anywhere in NSW.
  • Flexible appointments can be arranged for ongoing support.

Do you see the signs of harmful gambling?

Gambling does not just impact the person who is gambling, it impacts everyone around them. If you notice one or more of the signs below in your loved one, then their gambling may be causing harm and it could be time to talk to a counsellor about how it is affecting you.

Blue Money
Financial problems
Such as excessive loans, unpaid bills or bankruptcy.
Impact on emotional health
Such as excessive stress, sadness, anger, shame or regret.
Impact on physical health
Such as not eating properly, not sleeping well or headaches.
Relationship difficulties
Such as your loved one being secretive about where they are, becoming withdrawn, conflict or breakdown.
Impact on education or employment
Such as reduced performance, poor concentration or missing work.
Criminal activity
Such as your loved one stealing or committing fraud.

Your safety is the most important thing

If you feel threatened or unsafe, or if you are concerned about the welfare of any children affected by your loved one’s gambling, it’s important that you know that there is support available. Call the Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 or GambleAware NSW on 1800 858 858. If you are in an emergency, please dial 000.

What is a counsellor and how can they help?

Counselling is talking medicine. If you had a broken arm you would see a doctor and not wait for it to get better on its own. When your loved one’s gambling is concerning you, talking about your issues with a GambleAware counsellor can help.

GambleAware counsellors know that it can be hard to talk about how someone’s gambling impacts your life, but there is no shame in asking for help. It’s a sign of strength. We all need support, and GambleAware counsellors are professionals who will listen and talk to you about issues in your life to support you to solve them.

They will assist in:  

  • Understanding your unique pressures and issues.
  • Explore the best way to support you. 
  • Help develop strategies to talk to your loved one about your concerns.
  • Link you with a financial counsellor and other support services.

How do I talk to a loved one about their gambling?

For some people, it can be difficult to talk about gambling. A GambleAware counsellor can help you prepare to talk with your loved one about your concerns and provide one-on-one support to you the entire way.  

Encouraging your loved one to have a conversation with you can be the first step in their recovery.

To start, you can:

  • Pick an appropriate time and place to talk that is private with no distractions. 
  • Be prepared with information about what help is available. 
  • Avoid sounding judgmental or critical. 
  • Ask their perspective on how they see their gambling.  
  • Ask open questions: “What’s been going on for you? Is there anything I can do to help?” 
  • Leave the GambleAware fact sheet in an open area of your home for them to read 
  • Try asking if they would feel comfortable talking to a GambleAware counsellor, rather than pressuring them to see one.  

To speak to a counsellor in your language for more advice, call the number that can change your life - 1800 858 858.  
We’re here to support you. 

tick icon

To speak to a counsellor in English or Hindi for more advice, call the number that can change your life – 1800 858 858.

We’re here to support you.

Frequently asked questions

Speaking to a GambleAware counsellor is free. You don’t need to spend any money to talk to us.
You can call anytime 24/7 on 1800 858 858. There are also flexible appointments available in person or on video chat.
Counselling is completely private. Everything you say will be kept confidential between you and the counsellor.  Even when using an interpreter, your visit and anything you talk about remains confidential.
We all need support at times. Seeking help is a sign of strength. You don’t have to do this alone, there are people to help you every step of the way.
We understand that it can be difficult to talk about gambling in your community. But there is no shame in getting help. Our counsellors are here to support you – they are part of your culture and understand your unique pressures. They will help you develop strategies to talk more comfortably about gambling.
You can speak to a counsellor on your own, with your loved one, or refer them for counselling. If you wish to speak alone, the conversation is completely confidential. We can help you prepare to talk with your loved one and provide support to your family. We can also offer counselling to your loved one, if they wish.
Seeing a GambleAware counsellor will have no effect on your visa or anyone else’s visa. Everything you say is confidential and is not shared with Government agencies.

GambleAware counsellors are here to assist you with the best strategies to talk to your loved one about their gambling.

However, your safety is the most important thing.

If you feel threatened or unsafe, or if you are concerned about the welfare of any children affected by your loved one’s gambling, it’s important that you know that there is support available.

Call the Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 or GambleAware NSW on 1800 858 858.

If you are in an emergency, please dial 000.

More information

If you’d like more information on the signs, financial counselling, legal advice, self-exclusions and additional support you can get, download the fact sheet below.
Click here for more information Are you a gambling support worker?