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Find out how we raise awareness about gambling’s risks and impacts, and check out the education and resources we share to help people make informed choices.
For free, confidential advice and support about gambling issues, just contact GambleAware. A professional counsellor can talk you through all your options.
Around half of all adults in NSW gamble and gambling comes in many forms. How do you know if your gambling is getting out of hand, and what can you do about it?
If you’re worried about how gambling may be affecting you, there’s no shame in reaching out. A free, confidential conversation could change your life.
The number that changed my life campaign
gambling workshops for parents
Free GambleAware classroom ready resources for teachers. Teach your students to understand the risks of gambling and make safer choices.
These Maths lesson plans use the concepts of odds, risk, and probability to teach students the mechanics behind the different types of gambling and the difficulty of predicting outcomes.
These English lesson plans use mediums like videos, poems and articles to teach students to express and debate their own viewpoints about gambling.