Parent Workshop – Prevention and Minimisation of Gambling Harm

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GambleAware workshop for parents

GambleAware workshop for parents Today’s digital world is saturated with gambling marketing and influence.

Our GambleAware workshops help parents understand and address the risks of gambling harm to better protect their kids.  

Help prevent youth gambling harm

As parents and guardians, you have a big say in how your kids see the world. The GambleAware workshop helps those looking after young to have informed conversations about gambling. The workshop covers: 

• Gambling and young minds: We'll dive into why gambling might appeal to young people and where the risks lie.

• When gaming meets gambling: We’ll chat about how gaming can feel a lot like gambling, and why that matters.

• Decoding gambling advertising: We'll break down the ways gambling ads and promotions grab the attention of young people.

Harnessing parental influence: We'll discuss how you can steer your child away from our pervasive gambling culture.

• Unveiling support services: We'll show you where you can find extra help if you or someone you know needs it.


By the end of the workshop, you'll have:

• A clearer picture of how gaming and gambling might affect young people.

• Insights into what drives young people towards gambling.

• Tips and tricks to help protect young people from the risks of gambling.

Resources for everyone

To help everyone stay informed, we are sharing some of our workshop materials. Feel free to look or to use these to run a session of your own:

If you are interested in organising or attending a workshop, or
want any further details, please contact us

GambleAware acknowledges Aboriginal people as the traditional custodians of the land and we pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging. GambleAware is an inclusive support service.
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